If you had a nickel for every time someone told you to drink more water, you might have enough for a downpayment on a house. Still, you’re willing to give it a try. You can make sipping water less of a chore with these 10 tips:
Take a sip before every meal. Drinking a full glass of water before each meal makes you feel full and helps curb calorie intake.
Go for flavor. Liven up the flavor by adding basil, celery, cucumber, ginger, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, lime, mint, oranges or strawberries to your carafe.
Cut sugary drinks with water and ice. If juice, iced tea or lemonade are more your speed, water down your drinks with H2O and a heaping helping of ice (shoot for a one-to-one ratio). You’ll tamp down your craving for sweetness while giving your body the water it needs.
Mark your water bottle. Reach your personal goal by marking your water bottle by ounces or hours.
Down a glass after common activities. Took a bathroom break? Chug a glass of water on the way back to your desk. Cleared 20 emails from your inbox? Drink. Passed the water cooler? Get in eight ounces.
Invest in a high-tech water bottle. Stay on top of your water intake with a high-tech bottle that records how much you drink and sends the information to an app on your smartphone.
Choose sparkling water. If it’s the bubbles you need, sparkling water, a zero-calorie drink, is just as good for you as still water.
Keep a reminder handy. Put a gallon jug or large carafe on the kitchen counter, by your desk or beside your bed as a reminder to drink up.
Eat water-rich foods. About 20 percent of the water we consume each day is in our foods. So stock up on fruits and vegetables with a high water content. Some to try: baby carrots, bell peppers, blackberries, cauliflower, iceberg lettuce, spinach, watermelon and zucchini.
Try the one-to-one rule when drinking alcohol. Match each cocktail with one glass of water. Avoid a hangover in the morning and balance out sugar-packed mixers and syrups. So much winning!
10 Easy Ways to Drink More Water