HomeClinical TrialsCedric the Entertainer and Stand Up 2 Cancer Join Forces to Increase...

Cedric the Entertainer and Stand Up 2 Cancer Join Forces to Increase Awareness of Cancer Clinical Trials

Stand Up To Cancer ambassador and comedian Cedric the Entertainer has teamed up with SU2C for a new public service announcement designed to educate and encourage cancer patients to explore treatment options available through clinical trials. The PSA is the third in a series of PSAs supporting Stand Up To Cancer’s Health Equity Initiative, which is aimed at increasing diversity in cancer clinical trials. The PSA launches this month and will run in print, digital and out-of-home outlets. 

The new PSA follows campaigns by actors Sonequa Martin-Green and Jaime Camil, and features a personal call to action from Cedric the Entertainer to learn more about cancer clinical trials. Cedric the Entertainer, whose acting and producing credits include CBS’ “The Neighborhood,” “Cedric the Entertainer Presents” and “The Last O.G.,” has been supporting Stand Up To Cancer since 2018, and was inspired by his mother’s 2009 uterine cancer diagnosis to become an advocate for the cause.

“My mother’s cancer journey taught me about the value of advocating for yourself and knowing your options,” said Cedric the Entertainer. “Participation in cancer clinical trials is extremely low in the Black community, and I am proud to work with Stand Up To Cancer and take action to address this important issue.” 

“We’re honored Cedric the Entertainer has joined us to raise awareness about the importance and benefits of cancer clinical trials,” said Stand Up To Cancer CEO Sung Poblete. “The incredible altruism of the entertainment community has helped us advance our goal of delivering more cutting-edge research and resources for cancer patients in diverse communities, who need our support now more than ever.” 

SU2C’s Health Equity Initiative, announced in January 2020, aims to increase diversity in cancer clinical trials to ensure patients of all racial and ethnic backgrounds benefit equally from the potential of cancer treatments, and that research addresses differences in genetics, metabolism and physiology. Currently, data from the FDA shows only 4 percent of total cancer clinical trial participants are Black, and 5 percent are Hispanic, despite the fact that people of color have the highest mortality rates and shortest overall survival rates for most cancers. 

SU2C has implemented new procurement requirements for all future research grant proposals to determine whether the research area of focus impacts a specific minority population. These procurement requirements will require that all proposals provide plans for patient recruitment and retention of historically underrepresented populations.

To learn more about cancer clinical trials, visit StandUpToCancer.org/ClinicalTrials. Cancer patients are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19, especially those contending with cancers of the lung or blood, and those whose treatment suppresses the immune system. For COVID-19 resources, visit StandUpToCancer.org/COVID19.


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