HomeFitness & WellnessDry Eyes And How To Defeat Them

Dry Eyes And How To Defeat Them

Dry eye disease occurs due to a reduction in tear quantity and quality. Not only is dry eye disease a frustrating battle, but it can also affect your vision. Dry eyes cause redness, watery eyes, blurred vision, and light sensitivity. Allergies, heavy computer use, or medical conditions can cause dry eyes. Therefore, knowing the cause can help you treat and prevent the condition or, at the very least, manage it.

Here are five natural ways to manage your dry eyes at home.

  1. Limit screen time – dry eyes are the most common reason behind digital eye strain. On average, a person blinks 12 times per minute, but we only blink five times while using our computers. As a result, our wide-open eyes are more prone to dryness, experiencing eye strain, developing headaches, and irritation. Try practicing the 20-20-20 rule, which allows your eyes time and space away from the screen.
  2. Warm compress – Using a warm compress helps treat symptoms of many eye conditions. Additionally, it may also stimulate the meibomian gland to produce more tears. It’s also a chance to close your eyes and allow them some rest.
  3. Humidifier – If the room is dry, it might affect your eyes. A humidifier adds moisture into the air and can ease symptoms caused by dryness.
  4. Clean Eyes – Keeping your eyelids, eyelashes, and ocular area clean is essential in protecting your eye health. It can prevent the buildup of bacteria which can cause eye conditions or eye diseases to develop.
  5. Better sleep – Sleep is crucial for resting your mind and body. It’s the only time your eyes stay closed for an extended time, giving them protection and rest. Sleep is crucial if your dry eyes result from an immune disorder, as sleep regulates inflammation. Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per day.

Knowing these home remedies is crucial for management. However, your optometrist can help you find more options if your symptoms progress. How do you manage your dry eyes? Comment below!


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