Kidney Disease
Ex-NBA-Player Nate Robinson Has A Successful Kidney Transplant
Last spring, we reported that ex-NBA player Nate Robinson desperately needed a new kidney. He admitted to The Daily Mail that he feared he wouldn't live much longer...
Redefining Health for our Community: Let’s Talk Hypertension and Kidney Care
Redefining Health for our Community: Let's Talk
Hypertension and Kidney Care
Sponsored By
Kemi Williams led a conversation designed to raise awareness of options available to those...
Understanding APOL1-mediated Kidney Disease (AMKD): What You Need to Know
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a long-term condition where the kidneys gradually lose their ability to filter waste and extra fluids from the blood....
Basketball Hall-of-Famer Alonzo Mourning Reflects on the Importance of the First Annual APOL1-mediated Kidney Disease (AMKD) Awareness Day
I learned I had a form of APOL1-mediated kidney disease after the 2000 Olympics. I felt lethargic and had a routine physical exam. It...
Living Life Beyond Dialysis: What You Should Know About Living Donor Kidney Transplant
Sponsored by Sanofi
Presented by:Kemi Osundina
 Lead Director Of U.S Public Affairs, Patient Advocacy Transplant Lead At Sanofi
Alana H., Two-Time Kidney Living Donor Recipient
Reggie C. Living...
Understanding Genetic Kidney Disease: Insights on the APOL-1 Gene
Understanding Genetic Kidney Disease and Its Impact on the
 Black Community: Insights into the APOL1 Gene
Presented by:
Dr. Stacy A. Johnson
Sponsored by Vertex
Dr. Stacy A. Johnson...
Basketball Hall-of-Famer Alonzo Mourning Reflects on the Importance of the First Annual APOL1-mediated Kidney Disease (AMKD) Awareness Day
I learned I had a form of APOL1-mediated kidney disease after the 2000 Olympics. I felt lethargic and had a routine physical exam. It...
Black Health Matters Talks FSGS With NephCure’s Lauren Lee
Black Health Matters sat down with Lauren Lee, executive vice president of Stakeholder Engagement at NephCure Kidney International, a patient advocacy organization, to discuss...
Coronavirus FAQs for Kidney Patients
Kidney patients, like other people with underlying conditions, should be especially aware of COVD-19 and the impact it can have on their lives. We’ve...
Famous Black Celebs With Kidney Disease and How They Manage Their Health
When Black-ish star Anthony Anderson was diagnosed with diabetes in 2002, he was blindsided, but knew he had to take charge of his health.After...
Health Priority: FSGS
FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis) is a rare kidney condition that is the leading cause of nephrotic syndrome (a kidney disorder) amongst African Americans. The...
How Can I Find a Clinical Trial?
There are many clinical trial opportunities and new ones are developed every day. Your health-care provider may be aware of opportunities in your area....
Is FSGS Caused by a Genetic Variant?
31 million: That is the number of individuals affected by some form of kidney disease in the United States. Although that number is astronomical,...
Is There a Light at the End of the Dark Tunnel of Kidney Disease in Children?
This month at Black Health Matters, we are focusing on kidney disease and kidney health. As part of our Black Health Matters Fall Summit 2020,...