Postpartum complications can become serious – fast. Know the symptoms to look out for and listen to your body to ensure you are recovering safely from labor safely and receiving proper care.

Understanding The Importance Of Maternal Health

April 11 - April 17th is Black Maternal Health Awareness Week. Declared by President Biden in a White House Press Release: "I call upon...

Chanel Porchia-Albert: A Doula’s Fight For Black Maternal Health

Chanel Porchia-Albert is a mother of six, a doula, and an advocate for the Black maternal health space. She made it her life's mission to...

Doulas Assist in Addressing Maternal Mortality

Roughly 60% of maternal deaths are preventable. A lack of education on signs and symptoms as well as limited access to care has hindered the Black community making out maternal mortality rates 3 times higher than other races in the United States.

Multiple studies have been conducted offering doulas as a positive addition to your maternal health care team. Mothers who are able to receive prenatal doula assistance have noticed better birth outcomes, including lower likelihood of birth complications, low-birthweight, and a higher likelihood of initiating breastfeeding.

As of January 2024 twelve states and Washington D.C. have implemented Medicaid coverage for doula care.

Know What Your Maternal Care Team Can Do For You

Know all of your care options during your pregnancy. There are several different types of care practitioners that support your birth experience and multiple paths to where you feel most comfortable giving birth.

Understand what care options are available to you utilizing our Decision Decoder so you have your best childbirth experience. 

Decision Decoder: Navigating the Childbirth Experience

Preparing for your new baby involves many decisions for you and your family. It is vital to be aware and knowledgeable of the options...

Are You Pregnant After 35? Here’s What You Need to Know

When we are in our thirties, we consider ourselves young. But when we get pregnant (or are trying to conceive) after age 35, medical...

Advanced Maternal Age and Other Factors

Advanced maternal age can impact your pregnancy experience and how you rely on your healthcare team.

When you are considered AMA your risk for certain conditions during your pregnancy can be at even higher risk, so it vital for us as Black women to understand our risks and how best to ensure our and our babies safety during pregnancy.

More Insights on Maternal Care

Why Are Pregnant Black Women Drug Tested More Often?

Recent revelations and studies have underscored a disturbing trend within medical facilities: pregnant Black women are more likely to be tested for drug use...

IVF Babies Born to Black Mothers Face Higher Infant Mortality Rates

According to a study, babies conceived via in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and born to Black mothers are more likely to die in the first few months after...
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The Importance of Breastfeeding

Black Breastfeeding Week and Why It Is Important?

This year marked the 10th anniversary of Black Breastfeeding Week. This week was created because of the gaping racial disparity in breastfeeding rates. According to CDC...

Your Brain and Caffeine

A hot cup of coffee or tea is a highlight of the morning for some people. It can make you feel awake and alert....