HomeHealthLiving with Psoriasis: Advocating for Yourself

Living with Psoriasis: Advocating for Yourself

Living with psoriasis presents unique challenges that extend beyond the physical symptoms of the condition. Individuals with psoriasis also often face emotional, social, and psychological impacts. In the face of these challenges, advocating for yourself becomes a necessary and powerful way to achieve the best possible quality of life.

In addition to understanding your condition, advocating for yourself also involves navigating the healthcare system, seeking support, and educating others. Living with psoriasis can be challenging, but taking control of your health and well being is an empowering journey.

Find the Right Provider

Because psoriasis is a long-term, chronic condition, you should feel comfortable with the healthcare providers who will be helping you manage the condition. Finding the right providers who understand the condition and offer the support and treatment needed is a crucial step in your psoriasis journey.

Dermatologists specialize in skin conditions including psoriasis. Consulting a dermatologist who has extensive experience treating patients with psoriasis can be beneficial. If you are a person of color, it may be beneficial to follow up with a dermatologist who is also a person of color or who specializes in treating skin of color. It is important to ensure that you are comfortable expressing your concerns to your provider. If you are having trouble finding a provider, consider asking family and friends for recommendations. You may also want to consult your primary care provider who can refer you to a dermatologist they trust.

You should feel comfortable communicating your concerns with your health care team. Your provider should be willing to answer your questions, provide clear explanations, and be open to discussing your treatment plan. If you don’t feel that your provider respects your feelings and concerns or if you are having doubts, it’s okay to seek a second opinion.

Advocating for yourself includes feeling confident with the care you are receiving.

Recognize Symptoms

Advocating for yourself when it comes to recognizing and managing the symptoms of psoriasis is a very important part of ensuring you receive the best possible care and improving your quality of life.

Here are some tips on how to advocate for yourself and recognize the symptoms of psoriasis:

  • Familiarize yourself with the common symptoms of psoriasis. Common symptoms include: red, scale covered plaques on the skin, itching, burning, or soreness in affected areas, and changes in the appearance of your nails.
  • Regularly examine your skin for any new lesions or changes to existing lesions. Pay close attention to your elbows, knees, and scalp as these are commonly affected areas.
  • Keep a written record of your symptoms. Documenting when you notice symptoms and any notable triggers can be very useful for not only yourself but your healthcare team.

Make Self-Care a Priority

Research suggests that stress associated with living with psoriasis can lead to anxiety and depression. Your mental health matters and it is important that you make self-care a priority to help minimize stress. You are not on this journey alone and help is available. Consider joining a support group. Having a strong support system can help you learn more about coping with your diagnosis and feel supported on your journey.

You can incorporate self-care into your daily routine by practicing stress reduction techniques such as deep breathing or yoga, being patient with yourself, and advocating for your needs.

Consider a Clinical Trial

Clinical trial participation is another practical way you can advocate for yourself and others living with psoriasis. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with plaque psoriasis learn more about the LATITUDE study.

The Journal of clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology. Psoriasis and Associated Psychiatric Disorders: A Systematic Review on Etiopathogenesis and Clinical Correlation.


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