HomeHealthGet Your Best Shave Ever

Get Your Best Shave Ever

Defuzzing the easy way

Razor challenged? Wax-phobic? Follow these tips to get your best shave ever:
Don’t shave as soon as you hop out of bed. Skin tends to become puffy overnight, so wait at least 20 minutes for that puffiness to subside. Shave before the puffiness goes away and you will leave stubble.
Never shave dry skin. Dry shaving causes irritated red bumps, and dry skin cells will clog your razor.
Use shaving lotion. This helps lubricate your skin for a smoother shave. Note to the ladies: Men’s shaving lotion is just as good as the expensive ones they make for us.
Shave opposite of hair growth. Start at your ankles and work your way up your legs. Tackle the bikini area from bottom to top. Your under arms can be tricky. Hair growth here is kind of all over the place, so you’ll need to shave in all directions. Don’t over-shave; it causes irritation.
Don’t shave irritated skin. If you have nicks or razor bumps, let your skin heal before shaving again. If your skin is sensitive, use a sharp razor and a shaving lotion designed for sensitive skin.
Apply a moisturizer after shaving. You can use any lotion or oil, but we’re partial to shea butter. It has essential fatty acids and vitamins A and E to help skin stay soft.


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