Doc’s Tips

Is There a Light at the End of the Dark Tunnel of Kidney Disease in Children?

This month at Black Health Matters, we are focusing on kidney disease and kidney health. As part of our Black Health Matters Fall Summit 2020,...

Clinical Trials Challenge: Get Black Folks Involved

Recruiting Black patients and other non-white demographics to take part in clinical trials remains a persistent challenge, and much of the effort to get...

Take Control of Your Health: A Common-Sense Guide to Prevention

The centerpiece of Dr. Jeffrey Sterling’s preventive health care presentation to this month’s Black Health Matters Fall Summit was his list of 25 basic...

An Open Letter to Men of Color

At the outset, I am reaching out to make sure you’re OK, because it’s been a crazy couple of weeks for us. It’s been...

Getting Black Folks to the Best Lung Cancer Screening

The usage of low-dosage CT scans to screen for lung cancer has grown over the past decade, to the point where it is recommended...

COVID-19 Research on Black Women Gets Personal

Michelle Albert, like most of us, has plenty of questions about the global COVID-19 pandemic. Unlike most of us, she’s doing more than wondering....

hATTR: No Longer a Rare Diagnosis

You’ve probably not heard much about amyloidosis, a group of conditions caused by the buildup in the body of misfolded transthyretin (TTR) proteins called...

Keep Children Safe During COVID-19

One of the less scary aspects of the coronavirus pandemic is its effect on children. According to the Mayo Clinic, children of all ages...

Are Asthma Sufferers More Likely to Get COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a respiratory disease caused by a coronavirus. That means it can affect your lungs, throat, and nose. For asthma sufferers, infection with...

Kirk Campbell, M.D.: Better FSGS Treatment Options Through Clinical Trials

Diseases can damage the glomeruli, the tiny filtering units inside your kidney where blood is cleaned. Called glomerular diseases, they can have many different...

Dr. Icilma Fergus: Coronavirus Q&A

On April 1, 2020, Icilma "Dr. Icy" Fergus, M.D., a cardiologist an associate professor at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York and past...

Coronavirus: A Matter of Health and Economics

It’s been said more than once that when white America gets a cold, black folks catch pneumonia.Coronavirus has not shown any mercy—crashing the stock...

Navigating Medical Deserts

A zip code has become a life or death matter. Families that live more than an hour from a hospital may face a death...

Diversity in Clinical Trials Reduces Health Disparities

Although lung cancer is the second most common cancer in men and women, it is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in both genders....

Precision Medicine Doesn’t Trickle Down

“Today’s medicine is yesterday’s research,” said Brian Rivers at the Precision Oncology event in Atlanta earlier this month. “Today’s medicine is only as good...