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Rayceen Pendarvis On Why Advocating for the Black LGBTQIA+ Community is Critical in 2024

In honor of Pride Month and our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters, we would like to shine the spotlight on one of the community’s mightiest warriors. Rayceen Pendarvis is a leading voice and presence in Washington, DC’s social and civil rights movements. She hails from the immortal House of Pendavis, made famous in the groundbreaking documentary Paris is Burning. Aside from her community advocate role, she is an inspirational speaker, social media personality, freelance columnist, and wedding officiant.

The Turbaned Diva’s honors are many, including awards from GMHHC NYC, The DC Center for the LGBTQ+ Community, DC Councilmember Anita Bonds, DC Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Empowerment Liberation Cathedral Church, and the Community Church of Washington. A perennial fave of The Washington Blade, the oldest LGBTQ+ newspaper in the United States, Rayceen has been a cover subject and regularly featured as a local hero, activist, and Clergy (despite not being ordained or ministering in a traditional capacity) . And if that isn’t enough, she is hosting numerous LGBTQ+ Pride celebrations in DC.

The Empress of Pride shares her thoughts on the state of the black LGBTQ+ community, what we all need to consider this election season, and the importance of giving a damn:

BHM: Tell us briefly how you became an activist in the LGBTQ+ and Black communities.

Rayceen: Activism is in my DNA. Growing up with a mother who had a career as a social worker, I was always encouraged to help people and uplift my community. I was born in Freeman’s Hospital, which was the Colored Hospital. I am not far removed from my ancestors, who lived their lives under segregation, Jim Crow, and slavery. Being an activist was less of a choice and more of a necessity. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I’ve also faced and witnessed discrimination, so being an activist has always been about fighting for all of my freedoms.

BHM: School us. What are the key issues in the black LGBTQ+ community need to be addressed, particularly in an election year?

Rayceen: The key issue is the Supreme Court. Regardless of how you might feel about the candidates, we know what will happen depending on who is in the White House next year. Our rights as Black people and as LGBTQ+ people are on the line. But, people need to be vigilant every year in all elections, especially local elections, because those are the politicians who can enact or repeal laws about ballot access, employment discrimination, housing discrimination, banning books, police brutality, bail access, prison reform, healthcare, and much more.

BHM: Due to breakthroughs in AIDS research and medicine, AIDS is no longer a death sentence. What are the new concerns in a post-AIDS world?

Rayceen: The good news is that although I’ve known many people who died in their youth due to HIV/AIDS, I now know many people who are long-term survivors who are thriving. Because of our years of activism, systems have been put in place to address everyone’s physical, mental, and financial needs, including those people who have HIV and aging gracefully. What has definitely changed is that there are more LGBTQ+ people who are aging, living out, and proud. Systems must be ready to support that, particularly concerning healthcare and housing.

BHM: Why does Pride Month matter?

Rayceen: There are many things happening during Pride Month, but as the Empress of Pride, I must remind everyone that Pride is more than a party; it is an act of resistance and a demonstration of our resilience. As the Queen of the Shameless Plug, I want to encourage people to join me for Silver Pride on June 20th at the Pepco Edison Place Gallery and the District of Pride Showcase on June 27th at the Lincoln Theatre.

BHM: What does the future hold for Rayceen, and what is your wish for all of us?

Rayceen: We are celebrating ten years of Team Rayceen Productions this year. I hope we continue to connect with new people, add new co-hosts to our roster, and create safe spaces for LGBTQ+ people, allies, youth, seniors, and all the people who have supported us over the years. I look forward to continuing to host annual events and participate in new events in DC and beyond. My wish for everyone is peace, stability, prosperity, and love. I hope all those things are possible, but that depends on what happens between now and Election Day, November 5th. It’s do or die. Potentially, the last 70+ years of progress could be dismantled. What I, my contemporaries, my elders, and my ancestors accomplished could be destroyed and not regained in my lifetime or until the next century.

Want to learn more? Rayceen is active on social media, co-hosts on the Team Rayceen YouTube channel, and holds court on An Audience with the Queen of the Shameless Plug, the new monthly livestream series. For the latest information, please visit Rayceen.com.


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