HomeHealthWhat's Clutter Got to Do With It?

What’s Clutter Got to Do With It?

Is all that stuff affecting your health?

What’s clutter got to do with your health? A lot more than you think! Merriam-Webster defines clutter as “a crowded or confused mass or collection.” That definition couldn’t be more perfect, but clutter does more than create an eyesore. If left uncontrolled, it can affect your health, too.
Clutter occurs when our possessions outweigh our allotted space. No matter how big your space is, you can still have too much stuff. There are many reasons why clutter forms, including our struggle or inability to let go of things we don’t need, whether for sentimental or other reasons. However, the impact of clutter on your health may be a good reason to release and free up some space:
Dust and dust mites. Got respiratory problems such as asthma or allergies? That cluttered area in your home might make your problems worse. A cluttered room means more surface for dust to rest and dust mites to breed! Get rid of your clutter and breathe a little easier (and healthier).
Mold. A cluttered area means poor air circulation, which can lead to a collection of moisture—the perfect scenario for mold to grow and thrive right in that cluttered closet. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, mold can cause many health problems, including eye and skin irritations.
Mental health/stress. A confused space can crowd your mental health, too, causing an inability to focus and increasing stress levels. A cluttered space may just be why you’re cranky and unproductive.
How to get rid of clutter:
If you’re willing to get rid of clutter by yourself or with the help of family and friends, take it one day at a time, area by area, so as not to overwhelm yourself. Thirty minutes to an hour is enough time to start.
Don’t be shy about asking for expert help if you need it. There are professionals who specialize in clutter removal who can help you through the process. Try the National Association of Professional Organizers to find an expert in your area.
Prevention is important. Once you’ve gotten clutter under control, prevent future clutter and operate by this rule: one in, one/two out. For example, if you have a cluttered closet, promise yourself to give away two items when you buy a new item.

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