HomeLifestyleFamily & RelationshipsDr. Joy Harden Bradford on Sisterhood, Healing and The Power of Community

Dr. Joy Harden Bradford on Sisterhood, Healing and The Power of Community

There is nothing that compares to the bonds between Black women. Our powerful connections can be a lifeline and a catalyst for healing. I chatted with Dr. Joy Harden Bradford, founder of Therapy for Black Girls, about her new book Sisterhood Heals: The Transformative Power of Healing in Community.

In her book, Dr. Harden Bradford has given us a contemplative roadmap that allows us to slow down, do some inner reflection, and learn from the insights so we can find healing, but it is an experience we can also do with our friends.

We discussed how our true sister-friendships add to our lives, allowing us to take off the masks we use as protection and be vulnerable. But our attachment styles (one of four ways we connect with our parents) also appear in our adult relationships and factor into our friendships. Helping us understand that we all approach relationships differently.

She also provides insight into friendship breakups and why they can be as devastating as relationships ending. And how to have a productive conversation with a friend who seems to make everything about her.

Finding a therapist can be challenging. Dr Harden Bradford tells us when we might be ready to explore therapy. She gives us some keys to navigating the process and empowers us to feel no obligation to stay with a therapist who doesn’t work for us. And gives us some realistic ways to navigate our progress.

She also believes that we shouldn’t shy away from group therapy. One reason is that the hurts we experience are often within our community, and we should use community to heal. Often, we think we are alone with our challenges, but the experiences of others can offer us new insights.

She delves into how and why the bonds between Black women have cultural, historical, and emotional significance.

Listen to our full chat here.




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